Worship Opportunities

9:00 AM & 10:30 AM – Morning Worship Services

Join Pastor Bob for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast 8:00 AM in the Fellowship Center.
All are invited to come to our weekly prayer service at 11:00 AM in the Johnson Prayer Service.

Wednesday Night
Join us for Pastor’s Bible study on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the Dining Center.

Upcoming Events

Financial Peace Class
Have you been looking for a way to finally get on top of your money? This. Is. Your. Time. Just register at the link above to join the Financial Peace University class starting on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 in the Johnson Prayer Chapel at the Praise Administrative Offices (3355 Brushy Creek Road, Greer). This class will run for 9 consecutive weeks.  Make today the day you decide to own your money—not the other way around. You’ve got this!

Baby Shower
A baby shower for Devan and Alyssa White will be Saturday, February 15 from 1:00 – 3:00 PM in the Fellowship Center.

New Comers’ Luncheon
If you are new to Praise, want to learn more about our church, are interested in joining our church family, or are a new member, you are invited to our New Comers’ Luncheon on Sunday, February 16 in the Dining Center following the 10:30 AM worship service. Please contact Pastor Jeff at 864-879-4878 or jshirley@praisecathedral.org with any questions.  We look forward to getting to know you better.

Water Baptism
We will have a water baptism service on Sunday, February 23 during the 10:30 AM worship service.  Register at the link above.  Please contact Pastor Jeff at 864-879-4878 or jshirley@praisecathedral.org with any questions.

Blood Drive
The Randy Anderson Memorial Blood Drive to benefit Praise members will be on Sunday, March 9 from 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM (available appointments) at Praise.  A photo ID or Blood Connection card is required at check-in. We will have several buses with appointments every 15 minutes.  Register at the link above.  Contact Angelia Anderson at 864-569-2700 to confirm an appointment.

Youth T-Ball & Coed Softball
All youth ages 4-13 are invited to play coed tee ball or softball this spring.  Practice will begin on Tuesday, March 11. (See schedule below).
Coed Tee Ball for ages 4 – 7 at 6:00 PM
Coed Softball for ages 8 – 13 at 7:00 PM
**The cost is $60 and will include a jersey, socks, hat, and trophy.  The money will be collected at practice.**  Contact Michael Good at mgood@praisecathedral.org with any questions.

Candy Needed
The children’s department needs new, unopened bags of candy for our upcoming Easter Egg Hunt.  Donations may be dropped of at the Children’s Center, Connect Center, or the church office.

Veterans Outreach
Information Form
If you are a Veteran or know a Veteran who would like to be a part of our new Veterans’ outreach group please fill out the form found in the link above.

Nursing Homes
If you are interested in helping with the nursing homes, please contact Pastor Chris at 864-879-4878 or ccriswell@praisecathedral.org.


Pastor Donna Burdette

Praise Kids’ Service Times
9:00 – 9:45 AM: First Service Children’s Church
10:00 AM:  Small Groups (Sunday School)
9:45 – 10:20 AM:  Parents, drop off your children for Small Groups (Sunday School) and then join us in the first classroom on the right in the Children’s Center for breakfast and fellowship.
10:30 AM:  Second Service Children’s Church (“Power Hour”)
7:00 PM:  Royal Rangers & Girls’ Club

Upcoming Events
Friday, February 28:  Family Glow Nerf Wars
Sunday, March 9:  PJ Day (Daylight Savings Time Spring Forward)
Saturday, March 15:  Girls’ Tea Party
Wednesday, March 26:  VBS Meeting in Praisetown at 6:00 PM
Sunday, March 30:  No kids’ church.  Everyone worship together with their families in the Worship Center.  Nursery will be provided.
Sunday, March 30:  Hotdog and Bake sale for Kids’ Retreat

Family Glow Nerf Wars
*You must register online for this event by Sunday, February 23.*  All 1st-5th graders and their families are invited to Family Glow Nerf Wars on Friday, February 28 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM in the Old Gym located next to the Student Center.  The cost is $5 per person and will include Nerf ammo, hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, drinks, and cookies.  You will need to bring your own Nerf gun.  Be sure to dress in neon colors.  Please register all in your family that will be attending.  Contact Pastor Donna at 864-879-4878 or dburdette@praisecathedral.org with any questions.

Praise Girls’ Tea Party
Praise girls (age 3 to 5th grade), moms, and grandmoms are invited to a “A Cup of Tea in Praise Paris” tea party on Saturday, March 15 at 11:00 AM in the Dining Center.  Please wear light pink, black, white, or a combination of the three colors.  Also, everyone please bring your own tea cup.  This will be a great girls’ time together.  Contact Pastor Donna at 864-879-4878 or dburdette@praisecathedral.org with any questions.

Kids Retreat Fundraiser
We will have a hot dog and bake sale in the Fellowship Center following the 10:30 AM worship service on Sunday, March 30.  This is to raise funds for the Kids Retreat coming up in April.  We need baked goods for the bake sale, so if you would like to bake something sweet, please contact Melanie Raynes at mraynes@praisecathedral.org or Tara Cole at tcole@praisecathedral.org.

Praise Kids Retreat
All kids in 1st-5th graders are invited to our Praise Kids Retreat on Friday, April 25 – Sunday, April 27 at Look Up Lodge in Travelers Rest, SC.  The cost is $160 per person and includes lodging and meals. A $40 nonrefundable deposit is required at the time of registration. Your kids will not want to miss this great time of fellowship and time with the Lord.  Contact Pastor Donna at dburdette@praisecathedral.org or 864-879-4878 with any questions.

Praise Kids Shirts
Praise Kids t-shirts and sweatshirts are on sale.  Hoodies are $15.00, Crewnecks are $10.00, T-shirts are $7.00.  Stop by the Children’s Center to purchase.

iFit Class
If you are interested in volunteering for the iFit class for special needs children, please contact Pastor Donna at dburdette@praisecathedral.org or 864-879-4878.


Pastor Bo Madden

All 6th – 12th graders don’t want to miss an incredible weekend in Pigeon Forge, TN!
*PLEASE NOTE*  STUDENTS WILL BE DEPARTING IN THE BUS FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 7 – students attending Winterfest will miss the entire school day on Friday, March 7.
$200 Includes:
-Hotel accommodations
A $50 deposit is required at the time of registration. The remaining balance is due February 16. Please note:  Do not register any students outside of your household.  For more information contact Pastor Bo at bmadden@praisecathedral.org or Jen at jenmadden@praisecathedral.org.

Parents’ Facebook Group
Parents…make sure to follow us on our PCS Parent Facebook group so you can keep up with everything happening in PCS.  Search for PCS Parents on Facebook, and request to join.


Pastor Bo Madden



Pastor Jonathan McClain

Wednesday Night Bible Study & Fellowship
Join us on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the Dining Center for Bible Study & Fellowship. Contact Pastor Jonathan at 864-879-4878 or jmcclain@praisecathedral.org for more information or to find out how you can get involved in our Young Adult Ministry.


Steve & Sue Howard

Senior Adult Meal

Our next senior adult meal will be on Sunday, March 2 in the Dining Center, following the 10:30 AM worship service.  The menu will include prok chops & gravy, macaroni & cheese, green beans, baked apples, rolls, and coconut cake.  Contact Steve and Sue Howard at 864-879-4878 or showard@praisecathedral.org with any questions.

Ladies Tea
Our next ladies’ tea at 12:00 PM will be Tuesday, March 11 in the Dining Center.  If you are able, please bring any kind of salad to share.  Register at the link above or at the Connect Center.  Contact Sue Howard at showard@praisecathedral.org or 864-879-4878 with any questions.




Pastor Bob McCuen

Are you are interested in being a part of the choir? Please contact Pastor Bob at 864-350-8433 or bmccuen@praisecathedral.org for more information.


Our Prayer and Intercessory Ministry Team is continually covering your needs and requests in prayer.  Prayer requests may be submitted online or in the boxes located throughout the lobby. If you are interested in joining our team, please email Becky McCuen at rebeccamccuen@praisecathedral.org, or contact the church office at 864-879-4878.


Pastor Brent Rains




Ladies’ Bible Study
Six new lessons to bring you closer than ever to women of scripture whose lives are filled with important insights for us today.  We’ll dive into a deeper study of Sapphira, Rehab, Jezebel, Michal, and The Sinful Woman. Our closing session will be a lesson recap and a fellowship meal.  Sessions will begin on February 20 & 23 and will be offered on Sundays at 5:00 PM and Thursdays at 9:30 AM and 6:45 PM in the Dining Center.  A textbook is not required for this class, but lesson notes and handouts will be provided. A registration fee of $5 is due at the time of registration or on the first day of class. Nursery will be provided for the Thursday AM class only.  Please register at the link above.  Contact Jeanne Harvey at praiseladies@praisecathedral.org for more information.

Ladies Retreat
Join us for the 2025 Ladies Retreat at The Cove in Asheville, NC.  $50 is required to hold your spot and final payment is due by April 27.  Our guest speaker this year will be POLLY HERRIN.  If you do not have a roommate and would like to be paired with someone, please register for a DOUBLE room. We cannot guarantee to fill triple & quad rooms.  Thursday is an optional night with very limited space. It comes with dinner Thursday and breakfast & lunch on Friday. It is more of a relaxed structure without a full itinerary.  Packet Pick-up will be Sunday, April 27 in the Fellowship Center following the 10:30 AM worship service until 2:00 PM.  Contact April Rains or Angela Dillard at praiseladies@praisecathedral.org with any questions.

Prices for Friday-Sunday, May 2-4, 2025
Quad Room (4 to a room):  $372 per person
Triple Room (3 to a room):  $398 per person
Double Room (2 to a room):  $428 per person
Single Room (1 to a room): $599 per person

Prices for Thursday, May 1, 2025 (Optional)
Quad Room (4 to a room): $204 per person
Triple Room (3 to a room): $214 per person
Double Room (2 to a room): $236 per person
Single Room (1 to a room): $316 per person
*Prices above include your room and all meals.


In a world filled with daily challenges to our faith, God calls us to stay steadfast in our pursuit of His heart and to seek refuge in Him. Our confidence should not rest in people or the systems of man but in the unmovable nature of our God. He is unchanging, with a good and perfect will for us, and He walks faithfully with us each and every day – and this is our pursuit to remain UNMOVABLE.

The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.

Psalms 18:2


Pastor Chris Criswell

Men’s Breakfast
Join us for a men’s breakfast at 8:00 AM in the Dining Center on Saturday, March 8.  This is a free event.  Register at the line above.  Contact Pastor Chris with any questions at 864-879-4878 or ccriswell@praisecathedral.org.