DevotionalIn our journey of faith, it’s crucial to remember our true identity in Christ. Like Jonah, we can sometimes forget who we are and whose we are. Our primary calling isn’t to achieve great things for God, but to be faithful followers who point...
DevotionalGod’s grace is deeper than our deepest failures and wider than our worst mistakes. Like a divine lifeline, it reaches all the way to the bottom, ready to pull us back to safety. This grace isn’t earned – it’s freely given by a God who...
DevotionalSometimes our clearest vision comes when we’re at our lowest point. When we’re on top, it’s easy to look down and forget our dependence on God. But when we hit bottom, we have no choice but to look up. These moments of desperation often...
DevotionalPride can be like invisible chains, binding us to paths of destruction while convincing us we’re standing strong. It whispers that we’re right when we’re wrong, that we’re strong when we’re weak, and that admitting failure is...
DevotionalLife rarely crumbles in an instant. Like a building’s slow deterioration, our spiritual decline often results from a series of small compromises and poor decisions. Each choice we make either strengthens our foundation or weakens it. Sometimes we...
DevotionalGod’s grace is perhaps most beautiful because it’s undeserved. We often try to earn God’s favor through our actions, but grace by definition is a gift we cannot earn. This truth should both humble and liberate us. We don’t have to...