• Cousin, Fred Salaphy is having a lot of health problems.
  • Please remember a lady named Evelyn who I met at my doctor's office. She is battling depression and needs prayer.
  • Please remember my brother in-law Ken in prayer. Ken has a knot on the side of his foot.
  • Please remember my husband nephew Greg in prayer. He needs salvation and is currently homeless in another state.
  • Please remember my friend Margaret in prayer. She is having trouble breathing and is being sent to a Pulmonologist for further lung tests.
  • My nephew, Austin, is having a CT this Thursday for a tumor on the back of his head. Will see neurologist next week.
  • In Hospital after 3 surgeries. In guarded condition
  • My landlord filed eviction on me 7.15.24. I was served the notice 7.17.24. to vacate immediately or respond within 10 days to show cause. My Duke Energy bill was in disconnect status to be disconnected also on 7/15/24. I was able to set up an installment plan to avoid disconnection. I work 30 hours/week at $15/hr. This is the only income in my household. My 22yr old son is seeking employment. my 19yr. old daughter is a full-time college student in Virginia. she is home for summer break. I solely financially support the three of us. We are the only persons in my household. I am also 3 car payments behind due to struggling previous months w/ rent/late fees. I do not receive snap currently. I am seeking any financial assistance I can get to avoid homelessness. I work as an Administrative Assistant. Thank you! 912.247.7714 / 211 Batesview Dr Apt 52 Greenville 29607
  • Special needs cousin.
    36yrs old has pneumonia,
    needs a feeding tube.
    Lost so much weight.
    Pray for the parents also.
  • Family friend, Melinda needs salvation.
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  • Donna 1 week ago

    The young boy, Flynn, that I requested prayer for has a broken, arm, leg, torn ligaments and tendons, as well as a concussion. Praise Jesus it is not worse, please pray for his continued healing 🙏

  • Ann 1 week ago

    Doctor said that the aneurysm in my neck is some better and may continue to heal on it's own without any surgery!
    Praise the Lord, for He is good!